Meet the team: A series. Part 1

We thought it would be a fun idea to start a series called ‘Meet the team!’. We have a very carefully selected team of individuals that work around the clock to ensure you are given the right to research! Every single team member deserves to have their time to shine, whether you are the CEO, an online admin, or a customer support agent-we want to show our appreciation for everyone.

Today, I would like to introduce you to our ‘packing peeps’. We have a team of 4 dedicated members that (literally) run around the office making sure our stock is filled and your orders go out on time. Our shipping policy allows us a short time frame to get orders out the door, yet our packing team somehow meets their deadlines day after day.

Let me introduce you to the people behind your packages!

Meet the ‘packing peeps’!

Dani – The boss lady! Dani never fails to impress us with her speed and attention to detail. She somehow manages her never-ending task list while maintaining a positive attitude, even when we are in the midst of a high-stress period. You can always expect to be greeted with a big bright smile and a warm welcoming when you bump into Dani in the hallway or lunchroom. Her loyalty to the company shines through her passion and dedication! Years ago, when Real Chems was a lot smaller, the only employees were Tim and Roxy (if you know, you know). Dani was the first person they hired to assist them in their packing room! She has kept that day 1 attitude with her this whole time and has become a serious asset to Real Chems. The real OG!

Daan – After Dani came Daan! Expanding your team is often risky business, yet the hand-over with Daan went so smoothly! He brings a positive and chill vibe into the office with his down-to-earth personality. Despite the fast-paced nature of the packing room, he doesn’t let the stress get to him! You can expect wholesome conversation when you bump into Daan. Making friends with everyone else in the building is easy for him and his bubbly personality. He is a really sweet dude that would give you the shirt off his back! He loves to lighten the mood by cracking jokes and engaging in sarcastic interactions! Daan is a great addition to our team and we truly hope he sticks around for a long time.

Lautaro, Invincible Mapuche Warrior – The name says it all! There was a lot of heat in the packing room and the workload was no longer realistic for only 2 packing peeps. Help was needed and BOOM- Lautaro came to the rescue! Despite the oddly specific and intimidating name, Lautaro is actually a very sweet person with a kind heart. He is quick to help when needed and does not wait to take action! Always thinking outside the box and offering alternative ideas, Lautaro is a very creative member of the team. Additionally, his taste in music and art is next level! His ability to make the workspace both fun and functional is impressive and appreciated. If you are looking for an interesting conversation about culture, politics, Ayahuasca or cute dogs, then you may want to take your lunch break with Lautaro!

Honey – Lastly, we have Honey. She arrived in the packing room at the perfect time. She is without a doubt the fastest weigher on Planet Earth! We have never seen someone fill tiny bags with research chemicals so fast! It is a true talent. You either got it, or you don’t! Her name is very suiting because she truly is as sweet as honey. She never causes trouble, excels at her position and is always an absolute delight to speak with. Not only is she extremely pleasant to be around, but she is also very organized and shares her growth mindset with those around her. She is always improving pre-existing systems, making life that much easier for everyone in the packing room. The world would be a better place if everyone had a Honey in their life!

It can be difficult to find the right team members but we really couldn’t be more grateful for our packing peeps. Our work environment demands organization, efficiency and a team effort! Pressure in the packing room can be very high, especially during busy periods. We have so much respect for our packing team! Not all heroes wear capes… Hats off to the legendary packing peeps!

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