How to use drugs safely; Harm reduction as a standard practice

DISCLAIMER: At RealChems, we do not condone the use of illegal substances. This article has been created strictly for educational purposes only. We understand that drug abuse is both real and tragic. That being said, we think articles like this are important to spread awareness and can increase safety. Please read with caution and awareness of our motive with this article.

The truth is, saying ‘Don’t do drugs!’ is not to be considered an effective harm reduction method anymore. In fact, this suggestion can be counter-productive and cause even more harm. True harm reduction incorporates a wide spectrum of strategies alongside acceptance that people will simply never stop doing drugs. Some of these strategies are safe usage, managed use, general drug education, changes in law and more.

In this article, I am going to go over a few practices that can be used to increase the safety of those who decided to consume drugs whilst sharing some insights on substance combinations, overdoses, the media’s effect, drug laws and more.

Guidelines for taking drugs safely

Do you partake in consuming substances? If so, here are a few guidelines you can follow to decrease chances of harm, according to

1. Test your drugs whenever possible. Go out of your way to test your substances as you never know what else could be mixed/added in. Making sure you test your drugs before consuming them is a way to avoid ingesting dangerous (and sometimes) lethal combinations. See below information to learn about the risk of combining substances.

2. Educate yourself on how to prevent an overdose. You can educate those around you for additional safety. For example, keep Narcan (Naloxone) with you if you or others around you are using heroin or other opioids.

3. Avoid doing drugs alone and make sure that a friend or two is always present. For additional safety, try to have a sober sitter. This is someone who remains sober and level-headed to watch over you. Your sober sitter can take action in case of an incident that an intoxicated individual wouldn’t be able to handle themselves. Make sure that those you do drugs with are keeping your safety in mind, vice versa.

4. Try to find a safe space to use drugs so you can avoid the harm that can come from an unsafe environment.

5. Always use sterile supplies, such as needles.

6. Avoid combining substances. For example, mixing substances like opioids, benzodiazepines and/or other ‘downers’ with alcohol can be extremely dangerous. Scroll down to read more about the dangers of combining substances.

7. Always make sure you eat something and drink water before using drugs. This changes the way your body processes the substance and can drastically change the strength and effects of the drug. Stay hydrated through the duration of your high.

8. If having sex is something that you often do when using, plan ahead for safer sex to avoid HIV infection and other STDs.

Combining substances

Something that the majority of drug users do not know is that combining substances results in a significant spike in the chances of overdose. In fact, taking drugs in combination is the main cause of drug deaths/overdoses! Not only do more individuals overdose due to deadly combinations, but it is also the #1 leading cause of drug deaths!

A study was conducted in Norway that investigated the death of 194 lethal overdoses. They found that combining drugs (especially opioids and benzodiazepines) was the main cause of death. Looking further, mono-intoxication with heroin was not found in any of the 194 overdoses. This speaks volumes for the reality of lethal overdose!

The fact that this is not common knowledge is very dangerous. If users would be able to avoid combining drugs, we would see a remarkable decrease in overdose deaths. This is yet another example of how our lack of drug education is causing harm, resulting in lethal overdoses and poor drug use.

Questions to ask yourself about your drug use

Doing drugs safely can be exercised by self-reflection, which can be done by asking yourself questions. When you reflect on your actions, you can gain awareness of the consequences of said actions. Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself if you are experimenting with psychoactive substances.

How often am I taking this substance?

How often is too often?

Am I taking this substance an unhealthy amount?

Is the regularity of taking this substance having a negative impact on my physical health?

Is the regularity of taking this substance having a negative impact on my mental health?

Do I feel like I need this substance to have a good time?

Do I often exceed the safe dosage of this substance?

Do I take this substance with other combinations that could be considered dangerous?

Do I have a hard time knowing when it is time to stop re-dosing?

Am I prioritizing financially supporting this substance over other necessities?

Is the sourcing of this substance putting me into dangerous environments?

How often do I test my drugs before consuming them?

How often do I measure out my doses?

Is consuming this drug impacting my life in a negative way?

Do the individuals I do drugs with practice drug safety?

Do the individuals I do drugs with have my well-being as a priority?

Why have I decided to do this drug in the first place?

Do I have an addictive personality?

If I had to stop doing this drug for the foreseeable future, would I have an easy time with such an adjustment?

It is one thing to ask yourself these questions and it is another thing to be honest with yourself. Personally, I am a firm believer that drugs can be consumed safely when done extremely mindfully.

Final thoughts

The devastating outcome of miseducation and/or lack of education is right in our faces. Traditional tactics and ‘say no to drugs’ campaigns do not have their place anymore. While we are opening up to real drug education, we still have a long way to go.

The number 1 most important thing you can do to reduce harm is to never stop learning, speak with others about it, spread your knowledge and take a look at the bigger picture. It is time to find the actual sources of drug abuse. Hopefully, society can stop pointing its fingers at the drugs themselves and open up to the idea that pain, trauma, abuse, etc, are the real issues.

The majority of drug users take them safely and are functioning members of society. As typical as it is, the media magnifies a certain type of drug user to further demonize psychoactive substances. This is often done with drug users that are homeless with visibly poor mental and physical health. However, many drug users are far from the persona that the media displays.

As always, the media has an agenda. Putting all drug users into a box is a great fear tactic that the media has been using for years. Additionally, it creates an attitude where many individuals disregard addicts, such as the ones displayed in the media. This creates serious division, which limits the help available to those who suffer from addiction. The way we have been trying to tackle addiction is simply not working. Therefore, it is time to take a new route. It may be time for you to have a look at how the media affects your views on drugs and drug users. It is never to late to shift your perspective. True change starts from within.

Our friends at Support Don’t Punish work around the clock to fight for changes they wish to see in drug laws with the motive of harm reduction and offering new insight into rehabilitation. Putting an addict behind bars will only perpetuate emotional damage, decreasing the chances of rehabilitation.

Check out for more information on their movement and how you can be a part of it.

If you or a loved one is a victim of addiction, please know you are not alone. We have a crisis on our hands. A crisis of miseducation! Only knowledge, compassion, logic and change will set us free.

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